If your organization offers Naviance, please log in by using your unique URL.

For assistance, contact your HR department.


Cancer navigation, prevention and support for the whole workforce.


Naviance™ helps you contain health care
costs while also helping impacted employees.

Developed and used at Johns Hopkins, Naviance provides personalized support that helps your workforce reduce cancer risk, detect symptoms early and access the right care at the right time. It ensures employees receive expert guidance through our Oncology Nurse Navigators, whether they’re dealing with cancer themselves or supporting a loved one.

The Naviance Difference

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Faster than your health plan's care manager
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Trusted, clinically-derived Johns Hopkins navigation methodology
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Integrative employee experience, including clinical navigation, navigation to benefits and holistic coaching
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Access to Johns Hopkins oncology experts for advice, guidance and navigation to high-quality specialist care
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Manager training around best practices for supporting an employee with cancer
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A trusted collaborative relationship seeking to improve your employees' well-being with you

Empower your employees impacted by cancer to
live their lives fully, with support at every step.

Helping Your Employees

Naviance addresses direct and indirect health care costs. Our Oncology Nurse Navigators guide your employees to second opinion services and personalized clinical resources for costeffective care and help avoid absenteeism through education and empowerment.

Helping Your Workplace

Naviance offers targeted training for managers on how to support employees impacted by cancer so they can thrive in the workplace and you can maintain as much continuity as possible for your business.


Jocelyn Witherspoon

“This organization is so great for opening up a program like this…if [I didn’t] have the support to go through [cancer treatment], then honestly, I don’t know what would have happened.  I am truly, truly grateful.”

Jocelyn Witherspoon
Bonnie Windsor

“I can’t tell you how many times employees come to me and thank me for having this benefit. We knew there was a need, but we had no idea how great a need until we actually put the program in place.”

Bonnie Windsor
Senior HR Manager

“[The nurse navigator] is a compassionate and knowledgeable resource [providing] outstanding advice and council.”

Marie Dieter

“We’re able to self-educate and formulate our management strategies with information that is compliant with HR policy. [We] shared with employees the things we learned and had frank and open conversations with them to ensure
their needs are met.”

Marie Dieter

News & Views

Variations In Telomere Lengthening Genes May Predispose Some People to Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Variations in three genes related to maintaining the length of telomeres — protective DNA caps on chromosomes — […]


Discover how Naviance can transform your employee benefits.

Contact us today to bring cancer support from Johns Hopkins Medicine to your workforce.


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Thank you for contacting your workplace oncology nurse navigator. Your message is very important to us, and we will reply to it within 24 hours.

You can also call us at 844-446-6229.

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Thank you for contacting us.

Your message is very important to us, and we will reply to it within 24 hours.